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pap test in Chinese

How to pronounce "pap test""pap test" in a sentence"pap test" meaning

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  • n.
    〔口语〕早期子宫颈癌涂片检查(= Papanicolaou test)。


  • It is also found out that most women having cervical cancer neglect to have a pap test
  • The effort to eliminate cervical cancer began over 50 years ago with the introduction of the pap test
  • Numbers are much higher worldwide , especially in deeloping countries where pap tests to detect cerical cancer are not routine
  • Southeast asian women have higher invasive cervical cancer incidence rates and lower pap testing frequencies than most other ethnic groups in the u . s
  • Information about women s health issues including pap tests and cervical cancer , menorrhagia , breast cancer , pregnancy , and fertility as well as details about the company s products in those areas
  • Cervical cancer is usually a slow - growing cancer that may not have symptoms but can be found with regular pap tests ( a procedure in which cells are scraped from the cervix and looked at under a microscope )
  • A well - taken pap test that is examined by a good laboratory will detect the embryonic early lesions and with treatment , future cervical cancer is prevented from developing . countries that have good pap test programme have very low cervical cancer rates
  • Studies show that women who continue to develop cervical cancer are those who have not had a pap test or have been infrequently tested . consequently , in developing countries , where screening progamme are non - existent , cervical cancer is the most common female cancer
  • Pap test is a simple and most effective method . it is painless and involves introducing a warmed speculum into the vagina and scraping some cells from the cervix , which are then placed on a slide , immersed in alcohol to preserve the cells and sent to the laboratory for staining and examination with the microscope

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What is the meaning of pap test in Chinese and how to say pap test in Chinese? pap test Chinese meaning, pap test的中文pap test的中文pap test的中文,translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by ichacha.net.